The Science Group

The Science Group were an avant-rock group founded in France in 1997 by English drummer Chris Cutler from Henry Cow and Yugoslav contemporary classical composer and keyboardist Stevan Tickmayer. They released A Mere Coincidence, an album of songs on science related topics in 1999, and an instrumental album, Spoors in 2003. The Science Group were seen by some as an "avant-prog nerd's dream band". Their music was principally avant-rock but also covered a variety of other genres including avant-garde jazz, contemporary classical, avant-garde, ambient and electronic.

The Science Group

The Science Group were an avant-rock group founded in France in 1997 by English drummer Chris Cutler from Henry Cow and Yugoslav contemporary classical composer and keyboardist Stevan Tickmayer. They released A Mere Coincidence, an album of songs on science related topics in 1999, and an instrumental album, Spoors in 2003. The Science Group were seen by some as an "avant-prog nerd's dream band". Their music was principally avant-rock but also covered a variety of other genres including avant-garde jazz, contemporary classical, avant-garde, ambient and electronic.