The Tribe (Monica's Gang)

The Tribe ("Papa Capim") is a Brazilian comic strip, part of the Monica's Gang series. It centers around a tribe of indigenous people from the Amazon (although it is never specified which). Their tribe was once named "Tribo do Rio" (River's Tribe). Although the only characters are Tom-Tom (the main character), Tamoyo, Papaya and the Pajé, their stories feature a large range of themes, going from environmental concerns to the shock between indigenous and non-indigenous cultures. People from outside the jungle are called "Caras-pálidas" (White-faced or paleface, due to their white skin, in contrast to the usual dark skin of indigenous peoples from the Amazon) or simply "Caraíbas". When one of the Caraíbas approaches Tom-Tom's tribe, the encounter can be either friendly or unfriendly, the lat

The Tribe (Monica's Gang)

The Tribe ("Papa Capim") is a Brazilian comic strip, part of the Monica's Gang series. It centers around a tribe of indigenous people from the Amazon (although it is never specified which). Their tribe was once named "Tribo do Rio" (River's Tribe). Although the only characters are Tom-Tom (the main character), Tamoyo, Papaya and the Pajé, their stories feature a large range of themes, going from environmental concerns to the shock between indigenous and non-indigenous cultures. People from outside the jungle are called "Caras-pálidas" (White-faced or paleface, due to their white skin, in contrast to the usual dark skin of indigenous peoples from the Amazon) or simply "Caraíbas". When one of the Caraíbas approaches Tom-Tom's tribe, the encounter can be either friendly or unfriendly, the lat