The Wikileaks Party

The Wikileaks Party was a micro political party in Australia. The party was created in part to support Julian Assange's failed bid for a Senate seat in Australia in the 2013 election, where they won 0.66% of the national vote. The WikiLeaks Party national council consisted of: Julian Assange, Matt Watt, Gail Malone, John Shipton, Omar Todd and Gerry Georgatos.

The Wikileaks Party

The Wikileaks Party was a micro political party in Australia. The party was created in part to support Julian Assange's failed bid for a Senate seat in Australia in the 2013 election, where they won 0.66% of the national vote. The WikiLeaks Party national council consisted of: Julian Assange, Matt Watt, Gail Malone, John Shipton, Omar Todd and Gerry Georgatos.