The Woman Between (1931 British film)

The Woman Between is a 1931 British drama film directed by Miles Mander and starring Owen Nares, Adrianne Allen and David Hawthorne. It was made at Elstree Studios by British International Pictures, the leading studio of the era. Mander adapted the film from his own play Conflict. The film is notable for its sexual and political content which has been attributed to a brief period of relaxation in oversight by the BBFC. It was one three similarly-themed films which Allen appeared in at the time including Loose Ends and The Stronger Sex.

The Woman Between (1931 British film)

The Woman Between is a 1931 British drama film directed by Miles Mander and starring Owen Nares, Adrianne Allen and David Hawthorne. It was made at Elstree Studios by British International Pictures, the leading studio of the era. Mander adapted the film from his own play Conflict. The film is notable for its sexual and political content which has been attributed to a brief period of relaxation in oversight by the BBFC. It was one three similarly-themed films which Allen appeared in at the time including Loose Ends and The Stronger Sex.