Theatre Strike Force

Theatre Strike Force is the University of Florida's premier improv and sketch comedy troupe. The style of improv performed by Theatre Strike Force is primarily short form, however several outlets for long form improvisation exist within the group. This includes The Sunday Group, The Delta Group and the Apprentice Group (the "varsity" team, the "intermediate" team and the "novice" team, respectively). In addition to improv, a sketch writing branch exists called TSF Sketch.

Theatre Strike Force

Theatre Strike Force is the University of Florida's premier improv and sketch comedy troupe. The style of improv performed by Theatre Strike Force is primarily short form, however several outlets for long form improvisation exist within the group. This includes The Sunday Group, The Delta Group and the Apprentice Group (the "varsity" team, the "intermediate" team and the "novice" team, respectively). In addition to improv, a sketch writing branch exists called TSF Sketch.