
Throckley is a village, located approximately 11 km west of Newcastle upon Tyne, in North East England. Hadrian's Wall passes through the village, its course traced by the village's main road, Hexham Road. Throckley was a colliery village, being adjacent to Throckley Colliery; although with the decline in the coal-mining industry the village is becoming gentrified, like many of its kind.


Throckley is a village, located approximately 11 km west of Newcastle upon Tyne, in North East England. Hadrian's Wall passes through the village, its course traced by the village's main road, Hexham Road. Throckley was a colliery village, being adjacent to Throckley Colliery; although with the decline in the coal-mining industry the village is becoming gentrified, like many of its kind.