
Thujone (/ˈθuːdʒoʊn/) is a ketone and a monoterpene that occurs naturally in two diastereomeric forms: (−)-α-thujone and (+)-β-thujone. It has a menthol odor. Though it is best known as a chemical compound in the spirit absinthe, which contains only small quantities of thujone, it is unlikely to be responsible for absinthe's alleged psychedelic effects. Thujone acts on GABA and 5-HT3 receptors in the brain. In many countries, the amount of thujone allowed in food or drink products is regulated. Thujone, as a component of several essential oils, is also used in perfumery. * (−)-α-thujone * * *


Thujone (/ˈθuːdʒoʊn/) is a ketone and a monoterpene that occurs naturally in two diastereomeric forms: (−)-α-thujone and (+)-β-thujone. It has a menthol odor. Though it is best known as a chemical compound in the spirit absinthe, which contains only small quantities of thujone, it is unlikely to be responsible for absinthe's alleged psychedelic effects. Thujone acts on GABA and 5-HT3 receptors in the brain. In many countries, the amount of thujone allowed in food or drink products is regulated. Thujone, as a component of several essential oils, is also used in perfumery. * (−)-α-thujone * * *