
The Thurnierbuch ("tournament book"), published in 1530, is an important work on the tradition of medieval tournaments in the Holy Roman Empire. The full title of the book was ThurnierBuch. Von Anfang, Vrsachen, vrsprung, vnd herkommen der Thurnier im heyligen Römischen Reich Teutscher Nation "Tournament Book: about the beginning, cause, source and origin of the tournament in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.


The Thurnierbuch ("tournament book"), published in 1530, is an important work on the tradition of medieval tournaments in the Holy Roman Empire. The full title of the book was ThurnierBuch. Von Anfang, Vrsachen, vrsprung, vnd herkommen der Thurnier im heyligen Römischen Reich Teutscher Nation "Tournament Book: about the beginning, cause, source and origin of the tournament in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.