
Tigawa (or Tigowa) is a village in Madhya Pradesh with a complex of temple remains, near Bahuriband, Jabalpur. The known Gupta period temple of Kankali Devi is well preserved and dates to the fifth century. An image of Narasimha is placed inside the sanctum. The portico has an image of the Sheshashai Vishnu (Narayana) and another one of Chamunda (Kankali Devi). Attached to the temple is a large unusual Buddha-like or Tirthankar-like image with snakes above the head.


Tigawa (or Tigowa) is a village in Madhya Pradesh with a complex of temple remains, near Bahuriband, Jabalpur. The known Gupta period temple of Kankali Devi is well preserved and dates to the fifth century. An image of Narasimha is placed inside the sanctum. The portico has an image of the Sheshashai Vishnu (Narayana) and another one of Chamunda (Kankali Devi). Attached to the temple is a large unusual Buddha-like or Tirthankar-like image with snakes above the head.