Tigoni Conventual Priory

Prince of Peace Conventual Priory, Tigoni, Nairobi Province, Kenya, is a Benedictine monastery of the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictines of Saint Ottilien. Established in 1978 at the request of Maurice Cardinal Otunga, the monastery is currently home to 35 monks. Conventual Prior Lawrence Mukuru Emukule is the community's superior.

Tigoni Conventual Priory

Prince of Peace Conventual Priory, Tigoni, Nairobi Province, Kenya, is a Benedictine monastery of the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictines of Saint Ottilien. Established in 1978 at the request of Maurice Cardinal Otunga, the monastery is currently home to 35 monks. Conventual Prior Lawrence Mukuru Emukule is the community's superior.