Time Trumpet

Time Trumpet is a six-episode satirical television comedy series which aired on BBC Two in 2006. The series was written by Armando Iannucci, Roger Drew and Will Smith in a similar manner to Iannucci's earlier one-off programmes 2004: The Stupid Version and Clinton: His Struggle with Dirt. One sketch was later spun off by Irish network RTÉ into the cult TV series Soupy Norman in 2007.

Time Trumpet

Time Trumpet is a six-episode satirical television comedy series which aired on BBC Two in 2006. The series was written by Armando Iannucci, Roger Drew and Will Smith in a similar manner to Iannucci's earlier one-off programmes 2004: The Stupid Version and Clinton: His Struggle with Dirt. One sketch was later spun off by Irish network RTÉ into the cult TV series Soupy Norman in 2007.