Tobacco water

Tobacco water, tobacco juice, tobacco dust juice or tobacco lime is a traditional organic insecticide used in domestic gardening. In The English Physician Enlarged of 1681, Nicholas Culpeper recommends tobacco juice to kill lice on children's heads, referencing it as an insecticide poison. Farmers have been using nicotine sulfate insecticide since the early 19th century. Tobacco dust juice has a similar use but is produced by mixing water with tobacco dust and black pepper.

Tobacco water

Tobacco water, tobacco juice, tobacco dust juice or tobacco lime is a traditional organic insecticide used in domestic gardening. In The English Physician Enlarged of 1681, Nicholas Culpeper recommends tobacco juice to kill lice on children's heads, referencing it as an insecticide poison. Farmers have been using nicotine sulfate insecticide since the early 19th century. Tobacco dust juice has a similar use but is produced by mixing water with tobacco dust and black pepper.