Transformation (warfare)

Transformation is a buzzword popularized by Donald Rumsfeld referring to a "change of mindset that will allow the [US] military to harness the technological advances of the information age to gain a qualitative advantage over any potential foe." Currently it is composed of three ideas. "its key doctrine is 'network-centric warfare,' a strategy that has friendly combatants networked together for a previously unknown degree of fighting effectiveness." from Nova, Battle Plan Under Fire, Transformation

Transformation (warfare)

Transformation is a buzzword popularized by Donald Rumsfeld referring to a "change of mindset that will allow the [US] military to harness the technological advances of the information age to gain a qualitative advantage over any potential foe." Currently it is composed of three ideas. "its key doctrine is 'network-centric warfare,' a strategy that has friendly combatants networked together for a previously unknown degree of fighting effectiveness." from Nova, Battle Plan Under Fire, Transformation