
TranslateCAD is a tool for computer-aided translation software designed to extract translatable text from CAD drawings saved in the industry-standard DXF format - regardless of the CAD software used to create such drawings - so that professional translators are able to translate in plain text using a number of CAT tools available. The translatable text is saved in a Unicode Text file, that can be translated using any CAT tool available. The main advantages of translating out of the drawing CAD software environment are: But there are also disadvantages of doing so, such as:


TranslateCAD is a tool for computer-aided translation software designed to extract translatable text from CAD drawings saved in the industry-standard DXF format - regardless of the CAD software used to create such drawings - so that professional translators are able to translate in plain text using a number of CAT tools available. The translatable text is saved in a Unicode Text file, that can be translated using any CAT tool available. The main advantages of translating out of the drawing CAD software environment are: But there are also disadvantages of doing so, such as: