Trillium decumbens

Trillium decumbens, the trailing wakerobin or trailing trillium, is a perennial wildflower which blooms from mid-March to April. Unlike most other trilliums, its stems grow along the ground rather than standing upright, so that the plant appears to rest on the ground. Its leaves are mottled green and bronze, overlaid with silver, dying back early in the season. The flowers are dark maroon or purple. After flowering, it bears a dark purple berry. It is native to southeastern Tennessee and northern Georgia and Alabama, growing in deciduous woodlands.

Trillium decumbens

Trillium decumbens, the trailing wakerobin or trailing trillium, is a perennial wildflower which blooms from mid-March to April. Unlike most other trilliums, its stems grow along the ground rather than standing upright, so that the plant appears to rest on the ground. Its leaves are mottled green and bronze, overlaid with silver, dying back early in the season. The flowers are dark maroon or purple. After flowering, it bears a dark purple berry. It is native to southeastern Tennessee and northern Georgia and Alabama, growing in deciduous woodlands.