Tutte–Coxeter graph

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Tutte–Coxeter graph or Tutte eight-cage is a 3-regular graph with 30 vertices and 45 edges. As the unique smallest cubic graph of girth 8 it is a cage and a Moore graph. It is bipartite, and can be constructed as the Levi graph of the generalized quadrangle W2 (known as the Cremona–Richmond configuration). The graph is named after William Thomas Tutte and H. S. M. Coxeter; it was discovered by Tutte (1947) but its connection to geometric configurations was investigated by both authors in a pair of jointly published papers (Tutte 1958; Coxeter 1958a).

Tutte–Coxeter graph

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Tutte–Coxeter graph or Tutte eight-cage is a 3-regular graph with 30 vertices and 45 edges. As the unique smallest cubic graph of girth 8 it is a cage and a Moore graph. It is bipartite, and can be constructed as the Levi graph of the generalized quadrangle W2 (known as the Cremona–Richmond configuration). The graph is named after William Thomas Tutte and H. S. M. Coxeter; it was discovered by Tutte (1947) but its connection to geometric configurations was investigated by both authors in a pair of jointly published papers (Tutte 1958; Coxeter 1958a).