UK Polaris programme

The United Kingdom's Polaris programme provided the first submarine-based British nuclear weapons system. "Polaris" itself was an operational system of four Resolution-class submarines, each armed with 16 UGM-27 Polaris A-3 ballistic missiles, with each missile able to deliver three ET.317 thermonuclear warheads around a single target. This configuration was later upgraded to carry two hardened warheads along with a range of decoys. Polaris patrols continued until May 1996, by which time the phased handover to the replacement Trident system had been completed.

UK Polaris programme

The United Kingdom's Polaris programme provided the first submarine-based British nuclear weapons system. "Polaris" itself was an operational system of four Resolution-class submarines, each armed with 16 UGM-27 Polaris A-3 ballistic missiles, with each missile able to deliver three ET.317 thermonuclear warheads around a single target. This configuration was later upgraded to carry two hardened warheads along with a range of decoys. Polaris patrols continued until May 1996, by which time the phased handover to the replacement Trident system had been completed.