USS Release (1855)

USS Release was a bark-rigged sailing vessel in the United States Navy during the American Civil War. Release, formerly Eringol, was purchased 3 April 1855 at Boston, Massachusetts, and commissioned on that date for use as a storeship. In June 1855, she sailed as part of an Arctic expedition to search for Dr. Elisha Kane and his missing party of explorers. Release sailed November 1856 to Demerara, British Guiana, to pick up sugar cane cuttings for the Department of the Interior. In 1857, she carried supplies to Aspinwall (now Colón), Panama for the Pacific Squadron; in 1859 she carried stores to the Mediterranean Squadron. Later in 1859 she served as supply ship for the Paraguay expedition sent to Asunción to demand indemnity and apology from the Paraguayan Government for the firing on Wat

USS Release (1855)

USS Release was a bark-rigged sailing vessel in the United States Navy during the American Civil War. Release, formerly Eringol, was purchased 3 April 1855 at Boston, Massachusetts, and commissioned on that date for use as a storeship. In June 1855, she sailed as part of an Arctic expedition to search for Dr. Elisha Kane and his missing party of explorers. Release sailed November 1856 to Demerara, British Guiana, to pick up sugar cane cuttings for the Department of the Interior. In 1857, she carried supplies to Aspinwall (now Colón), Panama for the Pacific Squadron; in 1859 she carried stores to the Mediterranean Squadron. Later in 1859 she served as supply ship for the Paraguay expedition sent to Asunción to demand indemnity and apology from the Paraguayan Government for the firing on Wat