Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück

The Unabhängige FilmFest Osnabrück (Osnabrück Independent Film Festival) is one of the eldest and most traditional film festivals in Lower Saxony, Germany. Every year it takes place on five days in October in Osnabrück. It is hosted by the non-profit association Osnabrücker FilmForum e.V. under the direction of Birgit Mueller and Holger Tepe. Patron of the 26. FilmFest was David McAllister, Minister-President of the state of Lower Saxony. The 27. Unabhängige FilmFest Osnabrück will take place from October, 10. - 14. 2012.

Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück

The Unabhängige FilmFest Osnabrück (Osnabrück Independent Film Festival) is one of the eldest and most traditional film festivals in Lower Saxony, Germany. Every year it takes place on five days in October in Osnabrück. It is hosted by the non-profit association Osnabrücker FilmForum e.V. under the direction of Birgit Mueller and Holger Tepe. Patron of the 26. FilmFest was David McAllister, Minister-President of the state of Lower Saxony. The 27. Unabhängige FilmFest Osnabrück will take place from October, 10. - 14. 2012.