Undertown (comics)

Undertown is an American manga-inspired comic written by Jim Pascoe and illustrated by Jake Myler and published by Tokyopop. The manga was released by Tokyopop on August 14, 2007. The magazine, New York, offered an exclusive preview of Undertown on its online-only comics page. The manga gets syndicated in over 50 newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, Denver Post, Vancouver Sun and Seattle Post-Intelligencer. It was dropped from Los Angeles Times Sunday pages on July 5, 2009.

Undertown (comics)

Undertown is an American manga-inspired comic written by Jim Pascoe and illustrated by Jake Myler and published by Tokyopop. The manga was released by Tokyopop on August 14, 2007. The magazine, New York, offered an exclusive preview of Undertown on its online-only comics page. The manga gets syndicated in over 50 newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, Denver Post, Vancouver Sun and Seattle Post-Intelligencer. It was dropped from Los Angeles Times Sunday pages on July 5, 2009.