
Unhitched (previously known as The Rules for Starting Over) is an American television comedy that aired as a mid-season replacement on Fox from March 2, 2008 to March 30, 2008. The series was originally scheduled to premiere at 9:30 p.m. ET, but aired 30 minutes later due to the runover of NASCAR. The show was created by Kevin Barnett, Mike Bernier and Chris Pappas. Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly and Mike Sikowitz served as executive producers alongside Brad Johnson and Bradley Thomas, with Katy McCaffrey producing. The pilot was directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly. The show revolved around a group of newly single friends learning the lessons of starting over in their 30s.


Unhitched (previously known as The Rules for Starting Over) is an American television comedy that aired as a mid-season replacement on Fox from March 2, 2008 to March 30, 2008. The series was originally scheduled to premiere at 9:30 p.m. ET, but aired 30 minutes later due to the runover of NASCAR. The show was created by Kevin Barnett, Mike Bernier and Chris Pappas. Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly and Mike Sikowitz served as executive producers alongside Brad Johnson and Bradley Thomas, with Katy McCaffrey producing. The pilot was directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly. The show revolved around a group of newly single friends learning the lessons of starting over in their 30s.