Uniformity policy

The uniformity policy was the concept of implementing Swedish law to the dominions of Sweden during the latter's time as an empire. It is symbolized by the slogan unus rex, una lex et grex unus ("one king, one law, one people") possibly coined by Johan Skytte, governor-general in Swedish Estonia, Ingria and Livonia. However, the phrase is also found in the debates on the possible union of Scotland and England in 1607, when Sir Edwyn Sandys noted King James VI & I's view that for a perfect union there should be unus rex, unus grex, una lex. Most notably, the uniformity policy aimed at abolishing serfdom then common in Estonia, Livonia and the Swedish dominons in the Holy Roman Empire (Ingermanland naturally had a free peasantry). While implemented in Livonia against the will of the local Ba

Uniformity policy

The uniformity policy was the concept of implementing Swedish law to the dominions of Sweden during the latter's time as an empire. It is symbolized by the slogan unus rex, una lex et grex unus ("one king, one law, one people") possibly coined by Johan Skytte, governor-general in Swedish Estonia, Ingria and Livonia. However, the phrase is also found in the debates on the possible union of Scotland and England in 1607, when Sir Edwyn Sandys noted King James VI & I's view that for a perfect union there should be unus rex, unus grex, una lex. Most notably, the uniformity policy aimed at abolishing serfdom then common in Estonia, Livonia and the Swedish dominons in the Holy Roman Empire (Ingermanland naturally had a free peasantry). While implemented in Livonia against the will of the local Ba