
Unikonts or Amorphea are members of a taxonomic supergroup that includes the Amoebozoa and its sister clade, the Opisthokonta, which includes the Fungi, Animals and the Choanomonada, or Choanoflagellates. The taxonomic affinities of the members of this clade were originally described and proposed by Thomas Cavalier-Smith. It includes amoebozoa, opisthokonts, and possibly Apusozoa.


Unikonts or Amorphea are members of a taxonomic supergroup that includes the Amoebozoa and its sister clade, the Opisthokonta, which includes the Fungi, Animals and the Choanomonada, or Choanoflagellates. The taxonomic affinities of the members of this clade were originally described and proposed by Thomas Cavalier-Smith. It includes amoebozoa, opisthokonts, and possibly Apusozoa.