Untouched (Angel)

"Untouched" is episode 4 of season 2 in the television show Angel, originally broadcast on the WB network. In this episode, a vision from Cordelia leads Angel to Bethany, a runaway teen who possesses barely controlled telekinetic powers. Unbeknownst to Angel, Lilah has brought Bethany to Los Angeles, hoping to groom her into being an assassin for Wolfram & Hart. Lilah attempts to provoke violent episodes in Bethany in order for Wolfram and Hart to gain control of the teen. First she has her cornered in an alley by potential rapists hired by Wolfram and Hart, and then she has her sexually abusive father appear and try to take Bethany back home. Meanwhile, Darla continues to plague Angel's dreams and Angel finds himself sleeping longer and longer hours.

Untouched (Angel)

"Untouched" is episode 4 of season 2 in the television show Angel, originally broadcast on the WB network. In this episode, a vision from Cordelia leads Angel to Bethany, a runaway teen who possesses barely controlled telekinetic powers. Unbeknownst to Angel, Lilah has brought Bethany to Los Angeles, hoping to groom her into being an assassin for Wolfram & Hart. Lilah attempts to provoke violent episodes in Bethany in order for Wolfram and Hart to gain control of the teen. First she has her cornered in an alley by potential rapists hired by Wolfram and Hart, and then she has her sexually abusive father appear and try to take Bethany back home. Meanwhile, Darla continues to plague Angel's dreams and Angel finds himself sleeping longer and longer hours.