Vara: A Blessing

Vara: A Blessing is a 2013 English drama film directed by Khyentse Norbu. This is first English language feature film by Bhutanese film director, after The Cup (1999) and Travellers and Magicians (2003). Based on a Bengali short story Rakta Aar Kanna (Blood and Tears) by Sunil Gangopadhyay, about the daughter of a devadasi, who falls in love with a Muslim sculptor.The film stars Shahana Goswami, Devesh Ranjan, Mohamed Adamaly and Rohit Raj in lead roles. It was the opening film of 2013 Busan International Film Festival, where it received good reviews.

Vara: A Blessing

Vara: A Blessing is a 2013 English drama film directed by Khyentse Norbu. This is first English language feature film by Bhutanese film director, after The Cup (1999) and Travellers and Magicians (2003). Based on a Bengali short story Rakta Aar Kanna (Blood and Tears) by Sunil Gangopadhyay, about the daughter of a devadasi, who falls in love with a Muslim sculptor.The film stars Shahana Goswami, Devesh Ranjan, Mohamed Adamaly and Rohit Raj in lead roles. It was the opening film of 2013 Busan International Film Festival, where it received good reviews.