Vehicle for hire

A vehicle for hire is a vehicle providing shared transport, which transports one or more passengers between locations of the passengers' choice (or close to it). Vehicles for hire can be distinguished from conventional modes of public transport in that vehicle for hire passengers are more or less free to choose their starting and ending locations (point of origin and destination), whereas in other modes, the passenger must choose from a limited selection of locations designated by the service provider. This mode should also be distinguished from hiring a vehicle for driving oneself (see car rental and carsharing).

Vehicle for hire

A vehicle for hire is a vehicle providing shared transport, which transports one or more passengers between locations of the passengers' choice (or close to it). Vehicles for hire can be distinguished from conventional modes of public transport in that vehicle for hire passengers are more or less free to choose their starting and ending locations (point of origin and destination), whereas in other modes, the passenger must choose from a limited selection of locations designated by the service provider. This mode should also be distinguished from hiring a vehicle for driving oneself (see car rental and carsharing).