
Videxport, S.A. de C.V., operating as Videxport, is a privately held company founded in 1975 in Hermosillo, Mexico by Gilberto Salazar Serrano, the father of current owner, Gilberto Salazar Escoboza. The company produces popular varieties of fruits and nuts, including seedless watermelons, seedless table grapes, and several hues of bell peppers during periods of the year when such items are not available locally in destination markets. The majority of Videxport products are distributed to the United States and Canada. All bell pepper crops are exported to the United States and Canada, while 98% percent of its watermelons are exported to the United States. However, the company distributes to markets in Europe and Asia as well. with about 90% of the production distributed via The Giumarra Co


Videxport, S.A. de C.V., operating as Videxport, is a privately held company founded in 1975 in Hermosillo, Mexico by Gilberto Salazar Serrano, the father of current owner, Gilberto Salazar Escoboza. The company produces popular varieties of fruits and nuts, including seedless watermelons, seedless table grapes, and several hues of bell peppers during periods of the year when such items are not available locally in destination markets. The majority of Videxport products are distributed to the United States and Canada. All bell pepper crops are exported to the United States and Canada, while 98% percent of its watermelons are exported to the United States. However, the company distributes to markets in Europe and Asia as well. with about 90% of the production distributed via The Giumarra Co