Viets' Tavern

Viets' Tavern is an 18th-century tavern on Newgate Road, directly across the street from the Old Newgate Prison State Historical Site in East Granby, Connecticut. The date of the construction of this building is not known, but there are multiple references to this tavern in historical records. In 1712, Dr. John Viets was granted a license by the town of Turkey Hills (now East Granby) to "keep a house of public entertainment." His son Jon, and his grandson Luke both had tavernkeepers licenses. The Connecticut Historical Society has a photograph of a sign at the location with the date 1790, although the sign was destroyed in a 1904 fire.

Viets' Tavern

Viets' Tavern is an 18th-century tavern on Newgate Road, directly across the street from the Old Newgate Prison State Historical Site in East Granby, Connecticut. The date of the construction of this building is not known, but there are multiple references to this tavern in historical records. In 1712, Dr. John Viets was granted a license by the town of Turkey Hills (now East Granby) to "keep a house of public entertainment." His son Jon, and his grandson Luke both had tavernkeepers licenses. The Connecticut Historical Society has a photograph of a sign at the location with the date 1790, although the sign was destroyed in a 1904 fire.