Viola langsdorfii

Viola langsdorffii is a species of the Viola. It is a plant from rather stout creeping rootstocks, glabrous, the stems ascending 5-30 centimeters long. The Viola langsdorffii has leaves that are long-petioled, round-cordate, and anywhere from 2.5 to 4 centimeters broad, crenate; stipules foliaceous, lanceolate, the lower usually incised. The flowers are pale violet, with petals 12-16 millimeters long, the three lower white at base, the lateral pair bearded; spur very short and stout, as broad as long; the head of styles not bearded. The Alaskan and Aleutian specimens are more robust with petals 20 millimeters long.

Viola langsdorfii

Viola langsdorffii is a species of the Viola. It is a plant from rather stout creeping rootstocks, glabrous, the stems ascending 5-30 centimeters long. The Viola langsdorffii has leaves that are long-petioled, round-cordate, and anywhere from 2.5 to 4 centimeters broad, crenate; stipules foliaceous, lanceolate, the lower usually incised. The flowers are pale violet, with petals 12-16 millimeters long, the three lower white at base, the lateral pair bearded; spur very short and stout, as broad as long; the head of styles not bearded. The Alaskan and Aleutian specimens are more robust with petals 20 millimeters long.