Virola calophylla

Virola calophylla is a species of tree in the Myristicaceae family. It is native to Central America and South America, namely Panama,Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia (Department of Amazonas, Department of Vaupés), Ecuador (Napo, Pastaza, Sucumbios) and Peru (Amazonas Region, Loreto Region, Madre de Dios Region, Puno Region, Ucayali Region). Virola calophylla contains dimethyltryptamine and other tryptamines, and in the Orinoco River region, the Witoto and Bora use it as a snuff.

Virola calophylla

Virola calophylla is a species of tree in the Myristicaceae family. It is native to Central America and South America, namely Panama,Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia (Department of Amazonas, Department of Vaupés), Ecuador (Napo, Pastaza, Sucumbios) and Peru (Amazonas Region, Loreto Region, Madre de Dios Region, Puno Region, Ucayali Region). Virola calophylla contains dimethyltryptamine and other tryptamines, and in the Orinoco River region, the Witoto and Bora use it as a snuff.