
VisiRule is a graphical tool for non-programmers to develop and deliver rule-based and expert systems simply by drawing their decision logic. VisiRule is designed for building regulatory compliance systems, financial and legal decision-making systems, and machinediagnostic and medical systems. VisiRule generates executable rules in the form of the Flex expert system toolkit which was developed by LPA in 1989. LPA set up a dedicated website for VisiRule in 2015 at VisiRule is used as part of expert systems and decision support courses in Universities such as Uniten.


VisiRule is a graphical tool for non-programmers to develop and deliver rule-based and expert systems simply by drawing their decision logic. VisiRule is designed for building regulatory compliance systems, financial and legal decision-making systems, and machinediagnostic and medical systems. VisiRule generates executable rules in the form of the Flex expert system toolkit which was developed by LPA in 1989. LPA set up a dedicated website for VisiRule in 2015 at VisiRule is used as part of expert systems and decision support courses in Universities such as Uniten.