WELCOME M1LL10NS is an Indian suspense thriller film directed and written by Milroy Goes and produced by Manna Mohie under Manna Mohie Films. Joanne Da Cunha, Razak Khan, Sohan Borcar, Les Menezes, Angela Dsouza feature in prominent roles. The film is set in Goa and tells of the journey of a lazy cop finding a smart criminal. The victim suffers the aftermath, hoping to someday get justice.


WELCOME M1LL10NS is an Indian suspense thriller film directed and written by Milroy Goes and produced by Manna Mohie under Manna Mohie Films. Joanne Da Cunha, Razak Khan, Sohan Borcar, Les Menezes, Angela Dsouza feature in prominent roles. The film is set in Goa and tells of the journey of a lazy cop finding a smart criminal. The victim suffers the aftermath, hoping to someday get justice.