
WattzOn is a privately held SaaS ("Software as a service") company that helps users in the U.S. learn how to save energy, in collaboration with cities and other business partners, through personalized plans, product and rebate information, and tips for habit changes. WattzOn provides nationwide capture of residential utility data, and they claim that a typical user saves nearly $240 per year in energy, and that their water programs save an average of 9,000 gallons per year.


WattzOn is a privately held SaaS ("Software as a service") company that helps users in the U.S. learn how to save energy, in collaboration with cities and other business partners, through personalized plans, product and rebate information, and tips for habit changes. WattzOn provides nationwide capture of residential utility data, and they claim that a typical user saves nearly $240 per year in energy, and that their water programs save an average of 9,000 gallons per year.