
WebPositive (also called Web+) is the graphical web browser included as part of the Haiku operating system since version R1 / Alpha 2. It was created to replace the aging BeZillaBrowser (a port of Firefox 2) with a native WebKit-based browser. Currently, there is support for most HTML5 features, including <audio> and <video> support, while geolocation support is still being worked on. WebPositive does not currently support any form of plugins, although developer Stephan Aßmus has suggested that he may look into plugin support in the future.


WebPositive (also called Web+) is the graphical web browser included as part of the Haiku operating system since version R1 / Alpha 2. It was created to replace the aging BeZillaBrowser (a port of Firefox 2) with a native WebKit-based browser. Currently, there is support for most HTML5 features, including <audio> and <video> support, while geolocation support is still being worked on. WebPositive does not currently support any form of plugins, although developer Stephan Aßmus has suggested that he may look into plugin support in the future.