Westlife discography

Irish pop vocal group Westlife has released ten studio albums, two box sets, thirty-two singles, twelve promotional singles, six compilation albums and forty-four music videos.. Based on BPI certifications, the group have sold 20.2 million records and videos in the United Kingdom alone across their 14-year career–6.8 million singles, 11.9 million albums and 1.5 million videos. Their biggest selling album is their first Unbreakable compilation, followed by Coast to Coast, with six of their albums selling one million copies or more. Their biggest selling video is "Where Dreams Come True", which has sold 240,000 copies to date. In 2012, the Official Charts Company listed Westlife 34th amongst the biggest-selling singles artists in British music history. As of August 2015, the group has sold 4

Westlife discography

Irish pop vocal group Westlife has released ten studio albums, two box sets, thirty-two singles, twelve promotional singles, six compilation albums and forty-four music videos.. Based on BPI certifications, the group have sold 20.2 million records and videos in the United Kingdom alone across their 14-year career–6.8 million singles, 11.9 million albums and 1.5 million videos. Their biggest selling album is their first Unbreakable compilation, followed by Coast to Coast, with six of their albums selling one million copies or more. Their biggest selling video is "Where Dreams Come True", which has sold 240,000 copies to date. In 2012, the Official Charts Company listed Westlife 34th amongst the biggest-selling singles artists in British music history. As of August 2015, the group has sold 4