Winterville Site

The Winterville Site (22 WS 500) is an archaeological site consisting of major earthwork monuments: more than twelve large platform mounds and cleared and filled plazas; it is the type site for the Winterville Phase (1200 to 1400) of the Lower Yazoo Basin region of the Plaquemine Mississippian culture. Protected as a state park, it has been designated as a National Historic Landmark. In June 2015 the state authorized $300,000 to restore the mounds to their pre-Columbian condition and add walking trails to the park. A museum is planned in the future.

Winterville Site

The Winterville Site (22 WS 500) is an archaeological site consisting of major earthwork monuments: more than twelve large platform mounds and cleared and filled plazas; it is the type site for the Winterville Phase (1200 to 1400) of the Lower Yazoo Basin region of the Plaquemine Mississippian culture. Protected as a state park, it has been designated as a National Historic Landmark. In June 2015 the state authorized $300,000 to restore the mounds to their pre-Columbian condition and add walking trails to the park. A museum is planned in the future.