Women-only space

A women-only space is a physical area where only women are allowed. The notion of a women-only space is to provide a place where women do not interact with men. Because the point of the space is to provide a "men-free" environment, there is discussion in some circles about whether trans women should be allowed into such spaces, both from an ethical and from a legal perspective. The concept is a form of sex segregation, and practices such as women-only bathrooms, women-only passenger cars on public transport or women's parking spaces may be described using both terms.

Women-only space

A women-only space is a physical area where only women are allowed. The notion of a women-only space is to provide a place where women do not interact with men. Because the point of the space is to provide a "men-free" environment, there is discussion in some circles about whether trans women should be allowed into such spaces, both from an ethical and from a legal perspective. The concept is a form of sex segregation, and practices such as women-only bathrooms, women-only passenger cars on public transport or women's parking spaces may be described using both terms.