World Soil Museum

The World Soil Museum is a museum exhibiting the various soil types in the world, from the volcanic ash soil from Indonesia to the soil from the Amazon. The museum is a part of International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) and is located in the campus of Wageningen University and Research Centre (also known as Wageningen UR) in Wageningen, Netherlands. The World Soil Museum was started as the International Soil Museum in 1966 on a request of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Soil Science Society.

World Soil Museum

The World Soil Museum is a museum exhibiting the various soil types in the world, from the volcanic ash soil from Indonesia to the soil from the Amazon. The museum is a part of International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) and is located in the campus of Wageningen University and Research Centre (also known as Wageningen UR) in Wageningen, Netherlands. The World Soil Museum was started as the International Soil Museum in 1966 on a request of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Soil Science Society.