YP Holdings

YP Holdings is the American parent company for YP LLC. Its products include printed telephone directories, yp.com and YP app. YP offers a wide range of marketing solutions from building online presence to promoting local and national businesses through local search, display ads and direct marketing. On July 31, 2012, YP was included in PaidContent50's list of "the world's most successful digital media companies" based on 2011 digital ad revenue.

YP Holdings

YP Holdings is the American parent company for YP LLC. Its products include printed telephone directories, yp.com and YP app. YP offers a wide range of marketing solutions from building online presence to promoting local and national businesses through local search, display ads and direct marketing. On July 31, 2012, YP was included in PaidContent50's list of "the world's most successful digital media companies" based on 2011 digital ad revenue.