Young Gods (film)

Young Gods (Finnish title: Hymypoika), is a 2003 film from Finland. The film centres on a group of Finnish teenagers who begin to make videos of themselves and others having sex. Their adventures become more and more extreme, eventually leading to tragic consequences. It was directed by Jukka-Pekka Siili and stars Jussi Nikkilä. The movie is available in the USA from Picture This! Entertainment.

Young Gods (film)

Young Gods (Finnish title: Hymypoika), is a 2003 film from Finland. The film centres on a group of Finnish teenagers who begin to make videos of themselves and others having sex. Their adventures become more and more extreme, eventually leading to tragic consequences. It was directed by Jukka-Pekka Siili and stars Jussi Nikkilä. The movie is available in the USA from Picture This! Entertainment.