Yuki Sohma

Yuki Sohma (草摩 由希 Sōma Yuki) is a fictional character from the anime and manga series Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya, and is one of the three protagonists of the story. He is depicted as a popular high school student despite severe self-doubts, and is president of the student council. He is sometimes called "Prince Yuki" by his fans. When Yuki is hugged by the opposite gender or if his body is under a great deal of stress, he transforms into the Rat of the Chinese zodiac.

Yuki Sohma

Yuki Sohma (草摩 由希 Sōma Yuki) is a fictional character from the anime and manga series Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya, and is one of the three protagonists of the story. He is depicted as a popular high school student despite severe self-doubts, and is president of the student council. He is sometimes called "Prince Yuki" by his fans. When Yuki is hugged by the opposite gender or if his body is under a great deal of stress, he transforms into the Rat of the Chinese zodiac.