Zigong Salt History Museum

The Zigong Salt History Museum (Chinese: 自贡市盐业历史博物馆) is a museum in Zigong, Sichuan Province, western China. It is housed in the Xiqin Guildhall (Chinese: 西秦会馆), built in 1736 during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor in the Qing dynasty. The building is a Major Historical and Cultural Site of China.

Zigong Salt History Museum

The Zigong Salt History Museum (Chinese: 自贡市盐业历史博物馆) is a museum in Zigong, Sichuan Province, western China. It is housed in the Xiqin Guildhall (Chinese: 西秦会馆), built in 1736 during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor in the Qing dynasty. The building is a Major Historical and Cultural Site of China.