Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)

Created on Jun 30th, 2023

The Ontology Engineering Group is located at the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. It is ranked eighth out of the more than two hundred research groups at the UPM and is widely recognized in Europe in the areas of Ontological Engineering, Semantic Web, Social and Linked Data, Natural Language, Semantic e-Science and the Internet of future.

Homepage: https://oeg.fi.upm.es


Conceptual Mapping

923 statements

The Conceptual Mapping aims to gather the expressiveness of declarative mapping languages that describe the transformation of heterogeneous data sources into RDF. This ontology-based language settles on the assumption that all mapping languages, being used for the basic same purpose of describing data sources in terms of an ontology to create RDF, must have some basic patterns and inherent shared characteristics across all languages. The Conceptual Mapping's model is designed to represent and articulate these core features.\n\nThe scope of the vocabulary is to represent features based on declarative languages for describing data sources, their access, mapping rules for RDF transformation and functions. It is out of the scope representing the entire expressiveness of 'procedural' languages based on SPARQL, such as SPARQL-Generate of Facade-X.

Homepage: http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping

Version: 1.1.1