Associated Entity

This property is used to relate two FRBR Endeavours/entities ( together even if the entire Work-Expression-Manifestation-Item hierarchy does not exist. For example, it could be used to relate a frbr:Work to a frbr:Manifestation without the need of a frbr:Expression to link them through. The property is symmetric (if a <_:work> ov:associatedEntity <_:item> then <_:item> ov:associatedEntity <_:work>. It is not transitive (items may be associated with the same work but not be in the same WEMI chain, for example).

Associated Entity

This property is used to relate two FRBR Endeavours/entities ( together even if the entire Work-Expression-Manifestation-Item hierarchy does not exist. For example, it could be used to relate a frbr:Work to a frbr:Manifestation without the need of a frbr:Expression to link them through. The property is symmetric (if a <_:work> ov:associatedEntity <_:item> then <_:item> ov:associatedEntity <_:work>. It is not transitive (items may be associated with the same work but not be in the same WEMI chain, for example).