Mixed triorganobismuthines RAr2Bi [Ar = C6F5, 2,4,6-(C6F5)3C6H2] and hypervalent racemic Bi-chiral diorganobismuth(iii) bromides RArBiBr (Ar = C6F5, Mes, Ph) with the ligand R = 2-(Me2NCH2)C6H4. Influences of the organic substituent.

Mixed triorganobismuthines RAr2Bi [Ar = C6F5, 2,4,6-(C6F5)3C6H2] and hypervalent racemic Bi-chiral diorganobismuth(iii) bromides RArBiBr (Ar = C6F5, Mes, Ph) with the ligand R = 2-(Me2NCH2)C6H4. Influences of the organic substituent.