
The kingdom of Suhu was situated on the middle Euphrates and stretched from the northwestern border of Babylonia in the south to Hindanu in the north. During the 9th and 8th centuries B.C., its rulers held authority over the cities Anat (Anatho), Suru, Rahi-ilu, and even Mari. Approximately thirty Akkadian inscriptions of its rulers Šamaš-rēša-uṣur and Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur were discovered in the region of Haditha in the early 1980s, prior to the construction of the Haditha dam, which flooded the region; many of Suhu's cities are now underwater.


The kingdom of Suhu was situated on the middle Euphrates and stretched from the northwestern border of Babylonia in the south to Hindanu in the north. During the 9th and 8th centuries B.C., its rulers held authority over the cities Anat (Anatho), Suru, Rahi-ilu, and even Mari. Approximately thirty Akkadian inscriptions of its rulers Šamaš-rēša-uṣur and Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur were discovered in the region of Haditha in the early 1980s, prior to the construction of the Haditha dam, which flooded the region; many of Suhu's cities are now underwater.