
Reccopolis is an urban, Visigothic, ex-novo foundation made under king Liuvigild in A.D. 578. The archaeological remains at the site include a palace complex, public area, basilica, walls, and aqueduct. The site is known today by the Spanish version of its Latin name (Recópolis); it is located near the modern village of Zorita de los Canes in the Spanish province of Guadelajara.


Reccopolis is an urban, Visigothic, ex-novo foundation made under king Liuvigild in A.D. 578. The archaeological remains at the site include a palace complex, public area, basilica, walls, and aqueduct. The site is known today by the Spanish version of its Latin name (Recópolis); it is located near the modern village of Zorita de los Canes in the Spanish province of Guadelajara.