Forum of Paestum

The forum of Roman Paestum stands north of the Hera sanctuary and measures ca. 57 x 150 meters. It occupies the site of the Greek agora and was surrounded with a peristyle of re-used Doric columns. Tabernae stood at its south side and baths funded by M. Tullius Venneianus stood to the southwest. A triple-podium structure - lararium? - stands on the western side.

Forum of Paestum

The forum of Roman Paestum stands north of the Hera sanctuary and measures ca. 57 x 150 meters. It occupies the site of the Greek agora and was surrounded with a peristyle of re-used Doric columns. Tabernae stood at its south side and baths funded by M. Tullius Venneianus stood to the southwest. A triple-podium structure - lararium? - stands on the western side.