Bulgarian Communist Party

The Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) (Българска Комунистическа Партия, Balgarska Komunisticheska Partiya; БКП, BKP) was the Communist and Marxist-Leninist ruling party of the People's Republic of Bulgaria from 1946 until 1989 when the country ceased to be a communist state. The Bulgarian Communist Party had dominated the Fatherland Front coalition that took power in 1944, late in World War II, after it led a Coup against Bulgaria's tsarist regime in conjunction with the Red Army's crossing the border.

Bulgarian Communist Party

The Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) (Българска Комунистическа Партия, Balgarska Komunisticheska Partiya; БКП, BKP) was the Communist and Marxist-Leninist ruling party of the People's Republic of Bulgaria from 1946 until 1989 when the country ceased to be a communist state. The Bulgarian Communist Party had dominated the Fatherland Front coalition that took power in 1944, late in World War II, after it led a Coup against Bulgaria's tsarist regime in conjunction with the Red Army's crossing the border.