
Founded in 1947, "Cominform" (Communist Information Bureau) is the common name for what was officially referred to as the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties. It was the first official forum of the international communist movement since the dissolution of the Comintern, and confirmed the new realities after World War II, including the creation of an Eastern Bloc. The intended purpose of Cominform was to coordinate actions between Communist parties under Soviet direction. It had its own newspaper, For Lasting Peace, for People's Democracy!


Founded in 1947, "Cominform" (Communist Information Bureau) is the common name for what was officially referred to as the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties. It was the first official forum of the international communist movement since the dissolution of the Comintern, and confirmed the new realities after World War II, including the creation of an Eastern Bloc. The intended purpose of Cominform was to coordinate actions between Communist parties under Soviet direction. It had its own newspaper, For Lasting Peace, for People's Democracy!